Self Care

With life being so hectic, you often forget to take care of the most important person in your life. YOU!

Too often we put other’s needs before our own and neglect the things that replenish our spirit, refresh our soul, and rejuvenate our minds. It starts off simple enough by agreeing to help that friend, taking on an extra project at work, or even just making sure your children and partner have a decent meal. Soon and before you know it, you have migrated further from your center and are going through the motions of life. Operating on auto pilot.

Then you begin to feel empty and wonder how you got to that place you promised you wouldn’t return to- feeling drained. I want you to imagine yourself as an empty vessel that needs to be filled periodically with the things that bring you peace, joy, and make you feel loved. This looks different for everyone.

What can you do about your empty vessel? Take 30 minutes for yourself today and steal time for yourself. This could be listening to music, dancing like nobody is watching, going for a walk, meditating, or journaling. It looks different for everybody, but everyone needs to practice self-care. It helps to regulate our moods, endorphins, and brings balance to our lives.

So, don’t put it off- schedule time for yourself now! Your joy and peace depend on it.


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