Wellness Wednesday: Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Do you often find yourself holding your breath or squeezing your shoulders without even realizing it? Can you recall what feelings you may have been experiencing? Stress and anxiety show up in our bodies in a variety of ways. For many, it will manifest in tight and tense muscles in various areas of the body (i.e., neck/shoulders; shallow breathing and tight stomach; tense or aching back). These are physical signs of anxiety and stress manifesting in your body.

Our thoughts and feelings have a direct impact upon our physical well-being. The great news is that there are exercises you can practice that can help with mood regulation, managing stress, and reducing anxiety. Progressive muscle relaxation is a simple exercise that you can practice anywhere and does not require a big time commitment. Dedicate 5-10 minutes a few days per week to practice and you will notice the benefits immediately. To get started, listen to the Progressive Muscle Relaxation audio link here.


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